Sunday, August 16, 2009

Job Hunting in Manila for the OFW

Hubby’s been here since the end of 2008. His job hunt started on February this year. It’s not easy. There have been several interviews. Some resulted in job offers, most did not result to anything. Unfortunately, for some of the job offers the compensation offered was too low for his qualifications. Another job offer fell through because he asked the HR Manager for some time to decide because he had another option he wanted to look into first. The HR Manager did not agree to his request so nothing happened to that, too. So the job hunt continues.

It’s really the classic situation that most OFW’s face when coming back to our country. The OFW has gathered so much experience abroad, however, upon coming home he finds that most want to take advantage of that experience but are unwilling to pay enough for it.

Needless to say, it has been a challenging time for him. He complains of the way the Filipino managers make him wait for hours to be interviewed. One time he was made to wait more than three hours before the General Manager would talk to him! In other countries, people keep their appointments. Here, it’s like a power trip for some managers that they can make people wait.

Well, we’re praying for things to improve soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there. What's the expertise of your husband? My wife and I are work-at-home too.


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